(336) 883-8902   Mon-Fri: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • Protect Your Vehicle From Transmission Shifting Issues

    gear shift on a vehicle

    If your transmission isn’t shifting correctly, you’ll want to be careful about how you choose to proceed. The best thing to do is turn the vehicle off and have a professional take a look at it, but if that isn’t an option, there are some steps you can take to ensure nothing gets damaged. At Five Point Motor Company in High Point, NC we can take a look at your issues and also give you some tips on what to do when that option isn't available yet. 

  • Quality Work is as Important as a Quality Product

    transmission repair

    At Five Point Motor Company in High Point, NC, we pride ourselves on specialty knowledge and ability. Once you’ve settled on a transmission to invest in, it’s important not to cut corners on the homestretch. We’ve got you covered here and you can expect top quality repairs for your top quality product.

  • Throwing Codes? We Can Help.

    codes on a dashboard

    Transmission trouble codes are particularly annoying to the average driver. You might know what a misfire is, but what does it mean when you get a code for a failed governor pressure solenoid? Fortunately, Five Point Motor Company in High Point, NC is here to help.

  • Transmission Problems are Slippery Business


    Transmission slippage can be caused by a variety of factors which are sometimes difficult to pin down. From Five Point Motor Company in High Point, NC, here’s a rundown of the more common issues that may cause a transmission to slip.

  • Transmission Problems are Slippery Business


    Transmission slippage can be caused by a variety of factors that are sometimes difficult to pin down. From Five Point Motor Company in High Point, NC, here’s a rundown of the more common issues that may cause a transmission to slip. Our highly trained technicians are ready to get you going with a top transmission.

  • Used Engines and Transmissions - Are They Worth the Risk?

    two men working under hood of two different cars

    Nobody wants to put an engine or transmission in their car. However, when that time comes, it’s important to make an informed decision - here are some things to consider when installing a used engine or transmission, from Five Point Motor Company in High Point, NC.

  • What kind of condition is your fluid in, and what does that mean for your transmission?

    Fluid being poured into vehicle

    The condition of your transmission fluid can tell you a lot about the condition of the transmission itself. At Five Point Motor Company in High Point, NC, we want to help you be aware of what to look for and what we look for when servicing your transmission. 

  • What Makes Up a Transmission - Hydraulic Components


    Hydraulic power has a lot to do with how your transmission operates. There are some basic hydraulic components that keep your transmission running smoothly.

  • What To Do About Transmission Leaks

    Parked car with a puddle where it is leaking

    Leaky transmissions can be a pain. Not only do they make a mess on the underside of your car, and in your driveway, but the transmission fluid is expensive and inconvenient to deal with. At from Five Point Motor Company in High Point, NC we want you to be an informed driver so here’s some information about where transmission leaks start, and how to end them.

  • What’s That Slipping Feeling?

    mechanic's hands holding wrench under the hood of a car

    Transmission malfunctions are sometimes hard to pin down and might even go unnoticed. A transmission slip can manifest itself in a lot of different ways because there’s not a universal or consistent way to describe it. Since it will vary based on the vehicle, how bad the issue is, and what components are at fault, here are some symptoms to look for in your vehicle.

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